The fear of England can have many causes, but it is usually rooted in the complex issues of politics, war, and cultural...
The fear of drowning is closely related to the general fear of water, which is known as Aquaphobia. This fear type can...
Parents are well known for wishing their children “Sweet Dreams” when tucking them in bed for the night, but there are many...
“Just plunge your hand in and grab whatever you find.” These were the words of my science instructor in 7th grade. I...
We live in an age where ecology and eco-friendly attributes are considered praiseworthy by many. People are riding bikes more, using electric...
For many people the church is a place of refuge, solace and strength. This is a place where they may feel comfortable...
The fear of cemeteries is known as Coimetrophobia. People with this phobia will avoid these places, usually because they are a potent...
Sometimes, people become anxious and upset when they imagine being locked in an enclosed place. When this reaction becomes intense and persistent,...
The photographic result of the discovery of ancient Egyptian ruins has been the stuff of documentaries and traveling exhibits. Who were these...
The booming crash of thunder in the sky above us can be frightening. While most people are able accept the sound of...