Whether it’s Greek gods, Hindu gods or the god of Christianity there are several deity from which to choose. Some have special...
Sometimes, phobias can surface in response to images in mass media, books, and films. Often, people who fear demons feel frightened by...
Clark Griswold from the movie favorite “National Lampoons Vacation” was a guy who had a schedule and he had a felt need...
During the Easter holiday Christians will speak reverently of the cross and the symbolism of sacrifice. In the time of Roman occupation...
Each religion has it’s own set of doctrinal statements that congregants abide by. These are accepted statements of faith that are not...
The fear of Bolsheviks is known as Bolshephobia. Bolshevism is the desire to apply Marxist principles to society. Reasons For This Phobia...
National Geographic names the fear of cockroaches Katsaridaphobia. This fear can be enhanced by multiple factors not the least of which is...
The fear of bees is a common phobia and has its roots in many diverse sources. The more common name for this...
The fear of wasps is known by the Latin name, Spheksophobia. People who develop this phobia may feel upset and frightened when...
Getting stung can be painful, scary, and (in some cases) it can be fatal. When people have an intense and persistent fear...