When hiking an individual may not struggle with heights because there are rock formations and trees surrounding them providing a sense of...
It was the middle of winter and I had been asked to go on a hike in temperatures below zero. I made...
The fear of jumping from high or low places is known as Catapedaphobia. Often, this fear is tied into the fear of...
This phobia is quite common. Hospitals are a symbol of illness, infirmity, and even death. Of course, hospitals can also symbolize the...
Many people fear judgment day, when they believe all their sins and failings will be measured against their good deeds and kindnesses....
Fear of heights is one of the most common fears. It can help us assess situations and circumstances and make wise choices....
You might wonder why anyone would fear an afterlife that is thought to promise great peace and fulfillment…but the fear of heaven...
The fear of going to bed is surprisingly common. Nightmares, sleep disorders, and even work and relationship problems can leave a person...
Many people live in loneliness and isolation because they suffer from the phobia known as Agoraphobia. The word Agoraphobia’s translated meaning is...
The fear of England can have many causes, but it is usually rooted in the complex issues of politics, war, and cultural...