No matter what you might think of sterling views from pristine locations there are fears common among many who find the view neither desirable or beautiful. The distress they exhibit is profound and often unyielding. Many symptoms are mild and may allow the phobic personality to engage in fearful situations without a visible reaction. They may tremble or feel nauseous, but in most cases observers are unaware of their discomfort. There are those, however, whose fear is pronounced enough as to create panic attacks, air hunger or even fainting in the face of fear.
Overcoming the fear can be a step-by-step process that may instill a sense of normalcy to your personal frustration.
- Know the truth about heights. Yes, it can be uncomfortable finding yourself in a location where it could be dangerous to fall, but in most cases common sense can help you navigate your way to safety – either down or away from the ledge. Fear exists because there is something unknown within the object of fear that causes the anxiety. Discover what is unknown and you will be better able to manage the anxiety associated with fear.
- Use your mind to be proactive. It’s possible to determine ahead of time how you plan to react in times of a fear crisis. You may be able to include a little self-talk that acts as a stabilizer for those moments when you suspect fear will be present. You can gain an impressive amount of freedom from taking the first step.
- Visualize your fear trigger. This is important because it allows you to visit your fear on your own terms. You intentionally invite the fear into your thinking. Instead of shying away from the fear you you invite it to do its worst. May who utilize this method discover that the fear itself has less control then the individual has given it.
- Learn to engage relaxation within fearful circumstances. This is important because when you begin to learn this technique you can begin to become empowered to remove the fuse in the fear bomb. If the fear isn’t allowed to consume you it also has little power to control you. This is where you learn how much personal control you really do have in fearful situation.
- Work to eliminate stimulants from your everyday life. This might mean staying away from foods that are high in sugar, and beverages that contain caffeine. This also means refraining from illegal drug use. Stimulants generally serve to enhance the feelings of fear and can lead to an emotional or mental crisis.
- Seek therapeutic intervention when needed. There is no shame in asking for help. Trained mental health experts can provide focused training in some of the steps listed above and may be able to key in on reasons you may crumble in the face of certain fear triggers.
- Keep close to trusted friends. You will need an ongoing support system in place to infuse positive speech back into your life when you struggle with the fear. This could be an individual or support group, but in most cases it just makes sense to engage that support to bring about the best result.