
Fear Of Becoming Angry

The fear of becoming angry is known is Angrophobia. For those who struggle to express negative emotions in a healthy way, becoming angry can be frightening.

Reasons For This Phobia

The human heart and mind are always teeming with emotions, which must be managed through logic, self-control, and through a sense of perspective. While most people are able to control their anger, some struggle to cope with feelings of rage.

For those who fear becoming angry, anger represents a loss of control. To reach the point where emotions can no longer be suppressed or otherwise kept in check is dangerous to those with Angrophobia. This loss of control can trigger verbal abuse or physical violence in certain people. Those who have formerly lost control may be more likely to develop this phobia, but it can affect many different types of people.

Anger Affects Relationships

Anger can result in damaged relationships and a feeling of powerlessness. Once words of anger are said, they can be apologized for, but they cannot be taken back. Often, domestic disputes and other altercation can affect relationships and result in breakups and divorce. For this reason, people with Angrophobia may be wary of expressing negative emotions, with their partners, families… and any other person in their life.

Anger management classes and therapy are a modern phenomenon that allows people to manage their emotions, one-on-one with a counsellor, or in a controlled, group setting. These classes can be a godsend for those afflicted with the fear of becoming angry, since they will learn techniques for releasing negative energy in a way that will not harm others and have dire consequences. If the phobic person takes the leap of faith and enrolls in such a class, they can expect to ease their symptoms over time.

Passivity Is A Symptom

Being afraid of anger is also a symptom is passivity. Someone who desires peace at any price will choose to keep the peace despite provocation, deciding it is better to get along with others, even when they behave badly or ask too much. If a passive person feels angry or otherwise threatened, they will retreat, rather than hashing things out. This can be unhealthy if emotions remain bottled up, building tension and causing unhappiness.

Conflicts that cause anger, or any mass media depictions of rage and violence will be off-putting to the person with Agrophobia. They will turn away from anger in its many forms. Scenes of war, arguing, or even heated debate will stir up troublesome emotions and unrest in the person with the phobia. They will seek to distance themselves from things that might hurt them or trigger anger.

In life, it’s impossible to avoid this emotion. It is simply one facet of being alive. Repressing anger can cause depression, illness, and sadness. Many people who struggle with mental illnesses will suffer from mood swings that may seem out of their control. They may need treatment in the form of anti-depressants or therapy in order to manage their emotions more successfully.

Those suffering from bipolar disorder may be subject to extreme highs and lows that leave them frightened and reeling. The intense energy and emotion of their high phases turns to darkest depression. This can result in a fear of emotions in general, including anger. Bipolar disorder, which has afflicted many talented and gifted people, can be a trigger for Agrophobia. It requires careful treatment by doctors and psychiatrists.

Coping Strategies

The symptoms of Agrophobia can include marked passivity, depression, headaches, nausea, and panic attack responses. Treating the phobia can be successful if the phobia person finds a caring, competent therapist who can get at the root of fears and help the sufferer move away from the fear of being afraid. In time, a more healthy, natural reaction to negative emotions can be attained.

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