This common phobia affects almost everyone at some point in life. It’s normal and healthy to have some fear of failure, but this phobia, known as Atychiphobia, can be debilitating when it gets out of hand.
This Common Phobia Can Be Debilitating
Everyone wants to succeed in life, and to feel loved and respected. However, some people place far too much value on achievements and on the idea of being successful. They may end up trapped by their own perfectionism and ambitions.
Success Does Not Always Bring Happiness
Sometimes, the person who suffers from Atychophobia may equate success with love and happiness, when they are not necessarily the same thing at all. Many successful people have been emotionally miserable and lonely. Taking a look at the lives of highly talented and successful celebrities and moguls, such as Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain, and Howard Hughes, can be an enlightening (albeit very sad) experience.
Howard Hughes suffered a tragic, downward spiral…
Despite all their gifts and successes, these famous people all discovered a central and powerful truth: that money doesn’t solve everything. Nor does recognition or talent…happiness is defined by self-esteem and by our relationships with other people.
Changing Thought Processes Can Be Beneficial
In Buddhism, the desire for earthly success is viewed as yet another trap that slows down the process of enlightenment. According to this faith, achieving the bliss state known as Nirvana only becomes possible when a person learns to let go of material concerns, desires for ego gratification, and other essentially selfish goals.
Buddhism utilizes meditation and teachings that allow for a clearer mind, a healthier body, and a sense of perspective. Rather than dwelling on sin and penance, these teachings encourage mental clarity, kindness to others, and the state of zen (enjoying the moment you are in, rather than living in the past or pondering the future): Zen state is focus.
If Buddhism and organized religions are not of interest to you, consider yoga, meditation, or other techniques that foster a sense of peace and mindfulness. People with this phobia will always benefit from working on their inner thought processes,and learning to move beyond ambitions and drives that can be, at times, unhealthy.
Self-Love Eases This Phobia
For the person who lives with the fear of failure, it’s vital to understand that happiness comes from self-love, not from the recognition of society. Once self-esteem is at positive levels, it’s much easier to be loved in return. This foundation of self-love is a base upon which much can be built and sustained.
For those who fear failure, days may include a lot of plotting, planning, and hard work. Learning to embrace the moment and enter into experience in the now can be an excellent way of coping with Atychiphobia.
If the fear of failure stems from bad memories and experiences, rather than from ambition and drive, it can be beneficial to speak to a therapist. Clearing away the cobwebs of the past can be cathartic.
Embrace Alternative Therapies
Cognitive re-mapping and other alternative therapy techniques, such as tapping therapy, may allow for a release of negative memories that reinforce this phobia. While these treatments have varying degrees of success, they are well worth a try. It’s been proven that the brain can actually be re-trained to release memories and mindsets that are harmful. In this way, you can move forward, unhindered by a negative self-image.
When fear of failure affects career, relationships, and family life, it should be taken seriously. Poor self-esteem can be boosted with education, compassionate psychotherapy, and even proper diet and exercise. Raising confidence levels through positive lifestyle changes can make succeeding easier.
Sometimes, people who feel crippled by self-doubt may actually be more prone to making errors: their mindset is a self-fulfilling prophecy. To rid yourself of a mindset that blocks progress, change your routine and your own attitude. By getting out of your rut and taking chances, you may move closer to happiness.
The fear of failure can cause oppressive emotions, such as depression, anxiety, and anger and sadness. It can trigger insomnia, loss of appetite or overeating, and general malaise.