They are poets, composers and politicians. The saxophone would not exist if weren’t for one of these. They are a people group, but not necessarily a broadly recognized nationality. They are Walloons and some people fear them. This fear is known as Walloonphobia.
This group of people share similar language and ideals, but can be found in many locations predominately in Europe. The Walloons are differentiated by a language structure specific to their heritage.
According to, “The Walloons, who live in Belgium’s southern provinces, are the country’s French-speaking inhabitants. Their culture contrasts with that of the Flemings, who inhabit the northern part of the country and speak Flemish, a language similar to Dutch. The Walloons’ closest cultural ties are to France and other countries in which Romance languages are spoken.
“In the fifth century AD the Franks, a Germanic people, invaded the region that includes modern Belgium. They gained the most power in the northern area, where early forms of the Dutch language took hold. In the south, the Roman culture and Latin-based dialects continued to flourish. During the feudal period between the ninth and twelfth centuries AD , the Flemish and Walloon cultures continued developing along separate lines.”
They continue to be feared because they continue to be misunderstood.
What Causes Walloonphobia?
This may be a fear that is akin to the fear of Gypsies. When there is little understanding of a culturally diverse people group it can be much easier to fear them than to learn more about them.
It is possible that there may be a family history in fearing the Walloons and it is conceivable there may be instances of personal encounters that left an individual with fear. However the Walloons remain an intelligent people who continue to contribute significantly to cultural expansion.
Symptoms of Walloonphobia
Like most fears the biggest signal to others is the act of avoidance. In the case of Walloonphobia an individual will go out of their way to avoid contact with this people group. They will be inclined to dismiss their cultural contributions and find nothing positive to say about the Walloons.
Other symptoms may also include…
- Trembling
- Air hunger
- Nausea
- Elevated heart rate
- Panic attacks
- Weeping
The chances are pretty good the Walloon doesn’t even know you are frightened of them. In this case the only one who is damaged by the lack of relationship is the one who fears.
How to Overcome Walloonphobia
It would be a simple thing to reduce your fear by simply becoming friends with a Walloon, but fear is never a simple thing to master. In many cases the best course of action is to work with a therapist who can help you understand the reason for your fears and why those reasons may not make sense in light of facts.
You may discover the fear you experience may be tied to something different than a fear of the Walloon culture.
The fear of Walloons is also referred to as:
- Walloon fear
- Walloonphobia