While many discover great emotion in the midst of a dance and can feel as if they must move as a command of music there are others who have Chorophobia. This is a profound fear of dancing.
Many individuals find that music is a relaxing and occasionally stimulating pastime. They enjoy the cadence of music that seems to liberate their soul. Those with Chorophobia find no pleasure in dance. They find it nearly impossible to watch and they feel as if they could never participate in a dance. Definition-of.com defines this phobia as “The irrational fear of or aversion to dancing, often based on one’s unwillingness to become aroused, excited, or ecstatic.”
The Causes of Chorophobia
Sometimes because of a strict upbringing an individual may feel it is inappropriate or even sinful to dance. The idea of letting go in the midst of dance can cause some to feel as if they might be letting their parents down or that they might experience emotions they have been told they should not entertain.
Sometimes this fear can piggyback on other fears such as the Fear of Embarrassment. These individuals may actually be interested in dancing, but fear dancing just the same. They see dancing as a potential point of embarrassment. This phobia is put in place as a probable protection against an uncomfortable situation. That fear will be called on repeatedly when discomfort is felt.
It is also possible that the individual may suffer from a fear of crowds and their social anxiety makes it impossible to view themselves as capable of dancing in a social setting.
Most fears are multi-layered. Rarely is there a stand alone fear in an individual. Their fear is generally tied to at least one other phobia. In virtually every case therapists can work to pinpoint when an individual encountered an event or conversation that now serves as the foundation of a fear-based lifestyle.
Identifying the Fear of Dancing
One of the easiest ways to identify those who have a dancing phobia is to see who does not make an appearance at a dance. This should not be done as a means of making fun of an individual. In most cases they are already aware their fear is irrational.
Here are some of the other signs.
- Shortness of breath
- Rapid breathing
- Irregular heartbeat
- Sweating
- Nausea
- Feelings of dread and panic
- Locations where dancing takes place will be avoided at all costs
Those who fear dancing may even find a certain beauty in dance, but would never think it would be something they could or should do themselves.
Ways to Overcome the Fear of Dancing
Some might argue that treating the fear of dancing is a waste of time and money, after all dancing is not imperative to living an otherwise normal life.
The primary reason you should deal with your fear is that the human mind rarely ever stops with a singular fear it expands and encompasses other associated fears. The longer it takes to deal with the fear the more difficult it comes to get to the bottom of the fear and find freedom.
A trusted friend or partner can help if they are empathetic to your fear. A therapist can also help by locating the root of the fear in your life and helping you reverse the effects of the fear.