Fog is simply the result of clouds that have formed low to the ground or as the result of vapor rising from water that is warmer than the air around it. Fog by itself is not an object that can harm an individual. However, Nebulaphobia may stem from the fear of what might come out of the fog.
Fog is essentially air that is strongly hydrated. The wet residue from fog coats glass in a liquid residue. This fear resonates with those who fear what they cannot see and fog can leave them feeling blind.
What Causes Nebulaphobia
We’ve all seen enough movies that feature horrible creatures that come out of the fog. Men at sea are depicted as finding gruesome beasts stalking them through the waters. These visual scenes (with accompanying music) are likely culprits worthy to be called the instigators of fear. However, a phobic response is just as likely to come from what is seen or imagined when someone looks intently into a fog bank.
Many drivers will experience moments when animals, other cars or humans seem to come from nowhere when they are forced to travel in fog. This can result in amplified panic.
Eyes can seem to play tricks on us when we can imagine seeing things just beyond our visibility that frighten us. Because mankind has always been fearful of those things we don’t understand fog has become a primary phobia that causes intense dread.
Symptoms of Nebulaphobia
For many who fear fog their home becomes a refuge from which they nervously observe fog until the morning sun burns it off.
While home can provide a safe atmosphere there are many warning signs of this phobic condition.
- Air hunger
- An acute sense of dread
- An inability to immediately rationalize the fear
- Anxiety or panic attack
- Elevated body temperature and sweating
- Elevated or irregular heart rates
- Nausea
- Screaming
- Temporary loss of control of bodily functions
Alerting a friend or loved one about your fear may provide some help in having someone on-call to help you through a phobic crisis. Let’s look at some other ways.
How to Overcome Nebulaphobia
One of the key methods used to manage any fear is to come to a place of complete understanding of the very thing you fear most. This will not always alleviate your fear completely, but it is always a positive first step.
In the early stages of overcoming your fear you may need to endure a ride in a vehicle with a trusted friend or family member as the driver. You will not be entirely comfortable, but certainly more so than if you had to drive yourself.
Some fears can be lessened through the use of prescribed drugs. However, many who suffer from fears may gain benefit from professional therapy, counseling and support groups.
These last three options may be beneficial because they offer education about your fears and can help you constructively confront them. They may work for your benefit because the education follows your willingness to trust that they can help you.